Stress management

Stress is a natural reaction based on our innate survival instincts. Stress is often what you get when you are not handling the pressures of life very well. Stress is not a disease, but if when it becomes excessive and goes on for some time, it can lead to various mental and physical problems such as depression, tension headaches and migraine, respiratory infections, asthma, , nervous breakdown, insomnia, panic disorders, increased risk of cancer, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Stress affects each of us at some time and also to varying degrees in our lives.   While any one of us suffers stress, some people can handle it much better than others. If you frequently suffer from stress, you can learn how to remove the unnecessary stresses from your life, and how to react differently to those stresses that you are stuck with. Stress results from any event or situation that places physical or psychological demands upon you. When stress occurs, complex physiological reactions occur that prepares the body to either fight, flight or freeze. These prehistoric responses of fighting, fleeing, or just playing dead, are practical solutions to physical danger and threats to life. They are not, however, the most suitable response to the pressure of deadlines, presentations, arguments or other events of modern life.

Some of life’s burdens weigh us down. We can often deal with small amounts of stress daily, but if it builds up or becomes unmanageable, we begin to struggle.

Hypnotherapy can help you relax and learn how to manage stresses and stressful situations so that you do not have to carry around an unnecessary burden. You can decide whether to deal with the stresses now or later, or leave them along forever!

Hypnotherapy for stress management is not designed to replace conventional medical health care. You must continue with your agreed medical treatment, and comply with advice from your specialist or general practitioner, and advise them of your desire to undertake hypnotherapy and follow the medical advice given by your healthcare provider during any hypnotherapy treatment.

Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy that can be used to assist in a range of health issues. If you have a particular issue or problem that you would like some help in addressing, then please contact me so that I can discuss how to help you. All contact is in confidence and does not commit you to engage me to work with you.

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