Addictions and habits

Hypnotherapy can help you to recover from an addiction or overcome a habit. Specifically, hypnotherapy reinforces the positive behaviour changes sought by those seeking to break their addictions or habits.

Hypnotherapy can work well alongside well-established programmes, such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous, and methods for addiction treatment. Most addicts feel the most significant challenge is “staying clean” after the initial cessation or rehabilitation programme. During this period, hypnotherapy can be used effectively to reinforce good behaviour. Many people with drug addiction can successfully overcome the addiction. It relies on individuals receiving a programme specifically tailored to their particular needs. People addicted to drugs can recover and lead productive lives, although long-term maintenance and aftercare is sometimes required to prevent relapse.

Treatment aims to enable a person to achieve lasting abstinence from their particular addiction or habit, prevent relapse, and to allow them to integrate with society as an addiction-free or habit-free person.

Like people with other diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, people being treated for addictions need to learn to change their behaviour and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Preventing relapse is necessary for maintaining the effect of the withdrawal treatment, and setting the person up for long-term success. Here is where hypnotherapy can help. Addictions which can be helped with hypnosis include:

  • Alcohol (Binge drinking, moderation, alcoholism)
  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Caffeine
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Chocolate
  • Drugs (soft or hard: Cannabis, Cocaine, Heroin, Methadone)
  • Gambling
  • Mobile phone/Computer dependency
  • Nicotine and nicotine gum
  • Prescription medication (e.g. Antidepressants, Tranquilisers)
  • Salt or Sugar
  • Shopping or spending money
  • Soft drinks

People with addictions and habits can respond well to hypnotherapy. Treatment seeks to break negative, damaging, thought patterns and behaviours and replace them with healthy, positive, beneficial ones.

Habits which can be helped include:

  • Adult enuresis (bed-wetting)
  • Adult thumb/finger sucking
  • Belching, excessive
  • Blushing
  • Bruxism (teeth-grinding)
  • Chewing hair
  • Knuckle cracking
  • Mouth or cheek biting
  • Nail biting
  • Nervous twitch
  • Obsessive behaviour
  • Sleep talking
  • Sleep walking
  • Snoring
  • Trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling)
  • Unwanted thought patterns

Your addiction or habit will be dealt with sensitively and professionally. Your case history is not disclosed to any third party (unless anonymously, with the client’s permission to my supervisor, if advice is required), except in certain circumstances (e.g. where there is risk of serious harm to yourself or others).

Hypnotherapy for addictions or habits is not designed to replace conventional medical health care. You must continue with your agreed medical treatment, and comply with advice from your specialist or general practitioner, and advise them of your desire to undertake hypnotherapy and follow the medical advice given by your healthcare provider during any hypnotherapy treatment.

Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy that can be used to assist in a range of health issues. If you have a particular issue or problem that you would like some help in addressing, then please contact me so that I can discuss how to help you. All contact is in confidence and does not commit you to engage me to work with you.

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